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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Pacquiao vs. Hatton 2009
Tomorrow begins fight week @ the Grand Garden for Cotto vs. Mayorga. Typically it all starts on Tuesday with the fighter arrivals. In truth they're just a stunt staged for the press. The fighters are already on site and get driven around the corner to the front of the hotel. Lots of pomp and silly circumstance. If it's a Pay-Per-View fight Wednesday is the press conference (usually Thursday if it's not a PPV). Normally it's a non-event. A bunch of journalists sitting around listening to people who aren't quotable waiting for the real media-worthy individuals: promoters, trainers & fighters. Friday is the weigh in, always open to the public. Usually a tame event. Sometimes they try and jazz it up with a dj, fight video & scantily-clad girls - like putting lipstick on a pig. 

6,000+ singing Hatton Wonderland
Once in while though something extraordinary happens. Some of the most amazing things I've ever been a part of were the Ricky Hatton fights. The 2 memorable ones were Mayweather vs. Hatton in 2007 and Pacquiao vs. Hatton in 2009. There was an electricity, an energy that was palpable. It started on Monday of fight week where scores of British men took up residence in the bars. There were rumors that by Thursday they had drunk the casino dry. Of course that didn't happen but I wouldn't doubt they drank several bars clear out of ale. People said that when they came down for breakfast they saw the same guys in the same bar from the night before. Repeat scenario daily. :| 
Ricky Hatton Band

Hatton mania peaked at the weigh in on Friday where 6,000+ fans gathered to cheer on their boy. (The Grand Garden actually seats close to 16,000 but for weigh ins we have to scale down because production is still setting up behind the curtain.) One of my fondest memories was the Hatton Band. Yes, Ricky had his own 5 piece band. The first fight we did together I had to play the mom, telling them what they could and couldn't do. 'Can't run 'round the casino banging on your snare drum, belting out Hatton Wonderland on the horns, boys.' By the second fight we were BFFs. These guys won my heart and respect. Lovely chaps. As my friend Mick taught me to say, "They're the dog's bullocks."

Poking fun at their boy FATTON!
The energy continued thru to fight night on Saturday. Despite drinking 5+ days straight the Brits were raring to go and didn't miss a beat! I've never had more fun at work than during all of the Hatton fights. Before I came to the Grand Garden I used to handle credentials and operations for boxing so I've seen the best this decade had to offer. Worked most all of the big dogs: Tyson, Holyfield, Lenox, too many De La Hoya's to count, Pacquiao before he was an icon, so many but not many stand out except for the Hatton fights. The funny thing is, I don't think he actually won any of them! 

The Brits made quite an impression on me. They had a chant for Ricky. It was sung to the tune of 'Winter Wonderland'. "There's only one Ricky Hatton. One Ricky Hatton. Walking along, singing his song. Walking in a Hatton Wonderland." It was deliciously catchy. Truly a sight to behold. I doubt I'll ever experience something like that again. I'm just grateful I was able to witness it 3 times over! Thanks for the memories Ricky! Cheers. 

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