Pacquiao vs. Mosley presser |
Today (in like 12 hours - today) is the Pacquiao vs. Mosley press conference at
Hollywood Theatre in the MGM Grand. Brunch starts around noon. Presser will being around 1p-ish. Not sure I'm sticking around for it; DQ, Trubes & I usually ditch out to go to lunch off property.
Press covering the presser |
Press conferences are about as exciting as an ant farm and we've seen enough to last a lifetime. I know I said I wouldn't take these kinds of experiences for granted anymore but seriously, they're b-o-r-i-n-g. And I KNOW some douchebag is going to do the 'kissy-face-cheek' thing and I'm going to end up smelling like his crappy cologne the rest of the afternoon. I already know the guy who's gonna do it to me first. He always does. I avoid him like the plague, even try to put my hand out to shake instead or pretend I have a cold but he always kisses me. His cologne is repulsive and offensive. Truly. (Note: the smelly bastard did show up - at the NSAC rules meeting. I managed to straight-arm him into just a hand shake though. Then made a b-line for the bathroom to wash my hands. Gross. Too bad he doesn't have any friends to tell him how utterly obnoxious his cologne is.)
If I do I stay though I'll post some kind of recap with pics.
NSAC Rules Meeting |
Prior to the weigh in the Nevada Athletic Commission does a Rules and Regulations meeting. Every fight camp on the entire card send a representative to this meeting. Here Keith Kizer the Executive Director of the NSAC goes over glove weights, color & brands, trunk colors, dressing room rules, drug testing, etc. He tells them what kind of non-water-type liquids are allowed in the corners and that if they want Powerade it needs to come factory sealed and in inspector has to watch him pour it into a squeezy bottle. Ok, he didn't say it quite like that but you get the picture. I think the average fight fan might be surprised but the level of regulation that goes into fights. Everything from pre and possible post fight urine tests to disclosing any and ever kind of drug, even aspirin and vitamins, that might show up on a test. I think everyone's aware that inspectors watch gloves being wrapped so people don't cheat and put brass knuckles inside (or plaster of paris a la Margarito, allegedly).
The arena - load in begins |
Right now Anhuser Busch (a convention) is loading out of the Grand Garden and Showtime is beginning to loa in their monstrosity of a lighting truss. If you want to see the finished product before Saturday check out my
Cotto vs. Mayorga FB pic page. If you look at this pic, you'll see a concrete floor. If you come to a show at the Grand Garden you'll always see black carpet. It's just a little touch we do to class it up. Anheuser Busch insisted on NOT having carpet so last night at 1.00a we had a crew of people come in to re-lay over 50,000 square feet of carpet for Pacquiao vs. Mosley. No small feat. Just one of the many things we do to make sure this event - every event - is second to none. It's one of the reasons I'm proud of our team and so thankful I work at the Grand Garden Arena. Without this team, it's just another building. I'm a lucky girl indeed.
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