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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm Glad There Is You

Final full day of Billboard rehearsals until show day. I got in around 11.00a, not bad for me. So far the rehearsals have gone off without too much drama. It is still strange to me that they didn't have a director of security. It's actually kind of working out because they're just deferring to our judgment. "Get out of our way and let us run our arena like we know how," is what my guys like to say. The superstar who has risen out of the mix is - surprise, surprise - the production manager Derek Browell. He had a lot to live up to because the last produciton manager I worked with on an awards show is my absolutle favorite kid ever, Mark Matukewicz. So Derek was starting behind the 8ball to begin with. But he was stellar. I have a deep resepct for him now and know (partially) what kind of hell he was in with this show. I'm excited to have him back and to sit with him on a social level months before the show to actually get to know the kid. Good guy. Class act. Super calm under pressure. Didn't see him blow up once. Very kind. We also saw lots of other familiar faces from shows. It was like a big class reunion.

I had dinner with Counselor last night. Still a lot to digest and I'm still sporadically remembering things we talked about. Next week is going to be interesting, not because of UFC but because of my relationship with one of the guys in UFC. No it's not salacious. One of my dearest friends in the world is Burt Watson. He's a superstar in the UFC who takes care of all the fighters. I've known Burt for 15+ years. We go back to the days of boxing when he took me under his wing and never let me go. If I were rich and idiotic enough to have an "advisor" he'd be it. I go to him for advice, friendship, when something good or bad happens in my life - if something major were to happen to me, he's be one of the first people I'd call, whether that means my house burned down or I was pregnant. He's that important to me. When I think about all the things in my life Burt's been a part of, either directly or indirectly I think to myself, "I'm Glad There Is You."

Anyhow, when I went thru my heartbreak with Counselor way back when Burt was there to help me pick up the pieces. So needless to say his opinion of Counselor is not stellar. He understands the net affect of it all but Burt loves me like one of his daughters so you can understand his apprehension. He has no idea I'm hanging out with Counselor again. He'll find out soon enough because next week we're all having dinner together. One big happy family. Me bringing Counselor to dinner is a MUCH bigger deal than bringing him to dinner with my parents. 

Every time Burt is in town we carve out a night to have dinner and catch up. This time I'll be bringing in Counselor. Should be an interesting night. Stay tuned.

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