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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When Will I Be Famous

So I have this idea to write every day for an entire year. The name of the blog is The Year of Botti but it's really just a collection of random thoughts, a record of what I'm feeling at any particular moment. Botti is the catalyst, a jumping off point, something to keep continuity, and an excuse to burn some discretionary money on travel & entertainment. He's as good an excuse as any.

Since music is my focus I'm trying to link the daily blog titles to songs that have meaning to me, then tie that meaning to the content of the blog. Oftentimes in reverse order. 

Since I'm not a writer it's actually not easy to write every day, or more accurately to come up with a topic everyday. Some days it just flies off my fingertips but other days I sit listening to iTunes hoping for inspiration. I've got about 10 drafts of incomplete thoughts sitting in limbo and 10 more posts that I'd like to publish but they'd either get me fired, get me disowned or get me killed, none of which sound appealing at the moment.

The plan is to go back after a year and see if I can piece together a story from the 365+ blogs and turn it into a manuscript. From there maybe a book or a screenplay. Then off to Hollywood to collect my Oscar wondering When Will I Be Famous. Seriously though, I'm doing this for my brother who is dying of cancer and might not live to read all 365 posts, for my parents who don't know me on this level because let's face it, who wants to tell their parents they're a failure at the things that really count in life and for my unborn child who might never become anything more than an unfertilized egg. A snapshot of my life important to no one but me. I won't know if I can compile the posts into anything until I read all of them in a year. I'm only 68 days into it though so I've got a long way to go. An exercise in discipline & creativity - neither of which I have much... but I'm gonna fake the hell out of it. 

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