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Thursday, April 21, 2011


Here is a laundry list of just some of my pet Peeves. To add to the fun I've included things that escalate my peeves to outright fury. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Peeve: A lot = 2 words. Not alot. Fury: The point is "moot" not "mute."

2. Peeve: People who talk in elevators. Fury: People who stand in front of the doors waiting for the elevator. Hey moron, there's a 80% chance people have to EXIT the elevator before you can get on. Step to the side.

3. Peeve: People who cannot follow directions. Fury: People who need their hand held thru a task. Grow up, get a spine, learn something and be independent. Christ..

4. Peeve: People who wear too much cologne. Fury: People who insist on hugging or doing kissy face on the cheek - now I smell like your crappy cologne. Thanks.

5. Peeve: People who just pop in, unannounced. Fury: People who expect you to drop everything when they pop in, unannounced. There are only 5 people I care to ever see unexpectedly - chances are you're not one of those 5 people.

6. Peeve: Splitting the check by meals instead of just dividing it equally regardless of what you had. Fury: Insisting on individual checks. Cheap bastard. You look like an ass.

7. Peeve: People who won't use email. Fury: People who email me, "Can you call me." If I wanted to talk to you I wouldn't have ignored your original call that led you to email me, "Can you call me." Learn to use technology or move to the Brazilian Rainforest lame-ass.

8. Peeve: People who holler my name. Fury: People who try to have conversations thru the walls with me. Either get off your ass and come into my office and talk to me like a respectable human being or instant message me.

9. Peeve: Typing in all caps.  Fury: Marking an email "urgent" with the red exclamation. That doesn't make me respond any quicker. In fact, all it signifies is that you screwed up and whatever is in the email is the result of your lack of time management.

10. Peeve: People who print emails. Fury: Printing emails and bringing them to me to read. I already read them in my IN BOX, thanks. (See last sentence of #7.)

11. Peeve: Skip right to Fury. Fury: People who call me "Miss Amy." My name is Amy not Daisy and you're not Morgan Freeman. Stop fucking calling me Miss or Ms anything. 

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