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Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Great American Juicer Experiment x2

Vibrant veggies & fruit
The Great American Juicer experiment is one week old. So far it's a success. I've managed to stick to it for 8 days. I feel great and look better. My pants are looser but I don't know if that's attributed to juicing for a week or to the effects of being a good girl for a month and a half. Either way I guess it doesn't matter because the end result is the same.

Vegi swirlie
I've been back to walking my 4+ miles again too. With mom and dad in town last week I only managed to venture out Sunday and Monday but I didn't beat myself up about it. I'm was back to it again this weekend. It's funny how my muscle memory came right back. I'm glad. My endorphins need to kick in so I don't loose momentum.

Best tasting concoction
I'm getting used to the taste of the juice too, getting the hang of what to put in it to make it taste bearable. I like the process. It takes me about 40 minutes from bed to walking out of the kitchen so it's certainly not quick. Then again, I'm a little compulsive about making sure to wash all the parts before I even drink the concoction so I'm sure I when I'm in a rush I could shave 15 minutes off my time. 

Pulp this
I've learned a couple of things about juicing to my tastes. Broccoli is pointless. You have to shove a lot of it in there to get anything to come out. Kind of like a slot machine. I find the combo of spinach, cuke or celery, red or yellow bell pepper, couple of carrots, a Braeburn apple & half a lemon works the best for me. I like layering the colors. The non-greeneries go in after the vibrant colors. It all gets mixed together in the end but as long as I'm taking the time to do this, I'm going to take the time to make it pretty, albeit just for a second.
Starbucks has froth envy

Today I tried putting the pulp on a sandwich with some low cal vegi spread left over from Einstein's Bagels. I read that the pulp is full of fiber. The concept wasn't bad but I learned that I need to separate the lemon and apple pulp from the vegi pulp if I'm going to do that. The lemon zest makes the filling very bitter. I know there are sites that reco using it in muffins, as a supplement to dog food or compost. You can dehydrate it to make some kind of 'cookie' too. Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen. My experiment with the pulp is over. From here on out it goes down the disposer. 

Day 8 is over and I don't see my current love affair with it ending anytime soon. And so The Great American Juicer Experiment continues...

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